Tag Archives: reality


Liar ImageYes, you! The person that is reading this blog, the person that wrote this blog and everybody you know is a liar. From your neighborhood pastor to the pope in the Vatican…..everyone lies. Now I’m not talking about the unintentional lie; like telling someone you’ll call them right back and don’t call back for hours or days. I’m talking about the lie that is told by design. More like the lie you are telling yourself right now because you refuse to believe that you lie with a purpose. There are many types of lies that we use on a daily basis.

The top 5 types of lies are:

The Savior

Telling a friend or family member something nice but untrue so as to not hurt their feelings.

The Fixer

Saying you did something that you didn’t do. Lying will help you buy yourself more time to complete the task.

 The Team Player

Going somewhere or doing something although you really don’t want to, due to a sense of obligation. Because to just say no would cause great conflict.

The Pacifier

Saying anything that seems appropriate to end a conversation quickly.

The Cover-up

Hiding something that you’re ashamed of to save yourself from judgment or ridicule.

All lies are supported by some justification. It’s instinctual. Human beings can justify anything; especially not telling the truth. Being a liar doesn’t make you a bad person. It makes you human. You’re not going to burn in hell and karma is not going bite you in the ass. Lying is necessary. Just imagine if the majority of people were completely honest all the time, there would be an absurd amount of physical altercations.

Now that you know the truth, are you coming to grips with the fact that you are a liar? It’s okay to admit it. I promise you’re nontoxic. But I would highly recommend that you stop posting on Facebook and Twitter how much you hate liars…that’s just duplicitous.

The pathology of lying occurs when it hurts others feelings, deliberately masks your own misconduct or intends to create drama. If you lie to make someone jealous or envious, then you are not just lying to that person…you’re lying to yourself. Everyone puts on a mask or stifles their true feelings for trivial reasons like I listed above. However, lying to yourself is detrimental to your mental health. If you know in your heart that you lie to yourself, then you need to stop it immediately. I’m not suggesting that you have to announce it to the world but at least be honest with yourself. You owe yourself that much.